When is a good time, the right time, to open The Paper Drawer?

Posted by Shelly Murphy on

When is a good time, the right time, to open The Paper Drawer? I've been trying to figure this out. I had designs on launching by mid-April/early May. I had Mother's Day and Graduation Day all lined up. I learned lessons in photography and writing copy; it's much harder than I thought. 

No problem. Reset for June, with Father's Day and summer at the ready. I was head down and moving forward, but I took a pause and looked at my summer schedule. It was beyond messy. Fun things, but messy to try and launch a shop. 

Again, I paused. I reset my goal to open "Summer 2021". I moved forward with my Summer plans: road trips, family, summer madness/goodness—all the things. 

At the end of it, there is no "good" time. It's easy to give a reason to hold off. The timelines I set are my own; no one is holding me to them but me. I can continue to put up blockers and stall my moves and quell the fears of failure, but why? 

So, I am ripping the Band-Aid off, opening the drawer, and seeing what happens. If you see something that isn't working, please let me know. Something that could be better, please let me know. I'll make mistakes and fix them. I'll continue learning, but I'm doing it. I am the girl who decided to go for it. 

I have been exploring, meeting makers and creators, and curating fabulous products. I hope you enjoy them and maybe find something that speaks to you. 

I truly appreciate you coming by and joining me on this adventure!